Revisiting Automated Speed Enforcement System in Malaysia through Deterrence Framework


  • Ummi Sabariah Mahamud Malaysian Institute of Road Safety Research, 43000 Kajang, Selangor D.E., Malaysia.
  • Ahmad Azad Ab. Rashid
  • Mohd Danii Dochow Mohd Faisal Frank
  • Azhar Hamzah
  • Khairil Anwar Abu Kassim


Speeding Deterrence Automated enforcement Speed camera


The significant contribution of speeding (about 58% of road crash victims) to road safety in Malaysia demands continuous and effective countermeasures. While enforcement is effective to combat speeding and modify road users’ behaviours, frequent review and update is necessary to ensure its relevance and effectiveness. This article reviews and documents the process of automated speed enforcement in Malaysia; before proposing an investigation framework of improvement clutching on the long-standing Classical Deterrence Theory (Gibbs, 1979) – perceived certainty of punishment, severity and swiftness of sanctions. Suggestions and steps to improve deterrence effect of automated speed enforcement in Malaysia conclude the discussion.




How to Cite

Ummi Sabariah Mahamud, Ahmad Azad Ab. Rashid, Mohd Danii Dochow Mohd Faisal Frank, Azhar Hamzah, & Khairil Anwar Abu Kassim. (2022). Revisiting Automated Speed Enforcement System in Malaysia through Deterrence Framework. International Journal of Road Safety, 3(1), 3–8. Retrieved from



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